1. What is a geometric constraint?
Geometric constraints are the beginning design of a construction to begin the foundation of a project.
2. What are the different types of geometric constraints that are applied to sketches, and what are their functions?
Different types of geometric constraints are that angles, height/ length sizes, the diameter of a circle, and they all help show how to build what is being sketched.
3. How is a geometric constraint different from a numeric constraint?
A numeric construction is different from a geometric construction is by how the sketches are made for making different sizes
4. What types of numeric constraints may be applied to sketches?
Numeric constraints may be applied to sketches to make sure that the sketch is properly made and it could have a key were it is only allowed to be 3 inches wide.
5. What advantages do CAD sketches have over freehand sketches?
With free had sketches u could make a mistake and not measure something correctly then that messes up everything in your sketch.
6. What disadvantages do CAD sketches have over freehand sketches?
If the CAD sketch might not have what you need, but the free hand sketch will allow you to does whatever u want.
my answered questions for the assiment that was due